Monday, July 27, 2015

He Who Fights And Runs Away

Leaves his owners with a $200 vet bill.


  1. Brian's educated guess is that it was a raccoon.

  2. Hope the evil beastie that did this got chased away. Far, far away.

  3. Alas, Sam, it's probably still in the area.

  4. Oh, gosh! I hope Reserve Cat stays inside for the nonce. (Yeah. Good luck with that.) Do you have to give him pills? Fun stuff. I'd rather do injections.

    Our Eddie got mixed up with *something*, and ended up several days in the hospital, an entire foot of his intestine removed, and a bill for $2,000. There are some pictures of him in his "underwear", as he had to be shaved practically bald. It's the album marked Blazer.

  5. We used to have the adult raccoons and their kits brawling down the street about 2 a.m. every summer. They'd go for the old fruit trees and grape vines in the neighbourhood, cleaning off whatever hadn't been picked. The only thing that kept them out from under the back porch and out of the garage was a radio set to talk radio, running on low volume 24/7. Worked better than lights, urine, mothballs, and barricades. Wonder how Reserve cat would feel about wearing a tiny transmitter on a collar if you can't turn him into a night time house cat?
    I'm glad Eddie survived, and hope Reserve cat recovers soon.

  6. Yikes...oh, Eddie.

    The thing is, they never seem to learn from the experience.
