Wednesday, July 22, 2015

I Know The Feeling

On the plus side, I now have lovely matching left and right hand splints.


  1. Well, it seems that at least you can still type.

  2. I'm now in what's called a sleeve, actually. Smaller, lighter, and leaves most of my fingers -- but not the thumb -- free.

    Still, I've been teasing the interns that one of them is going to have to do my typing for me.

  3. As it turns out, when I finally got in to see an orthopedic specialist, he deduced that I probably dislocated my thumb. Popped out and then popped back in again all by itself.

  4. Much more of this and the neighbours will talk. At least nothing is broken and you're not in a cast for weeks. And, yes, get the interns help out. They'll appreciate you more and probably learn a thing or two.
    I say apply whiskey as required - at least to celebrate being intact.

  5. I'd still make the interns do all your typing and filing - no need for them to know how badly your thumb is injured. Milk it and tell us all about their reactions (snicker). But I do hope you are feeling better.

  6. You're lucky your thumb popped back into place. I "unscrewed" my right thumb, and had to have surgery to correct it. Six weeks in a cast. Fortunately, I am a dedicated southpaw.

  7. This has not been a good July for you, my dear!

  8. Thank heavens it's almost over.

  9. I spoke too soon. See post dated 27 July.
