Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Go Forth And Multiply

We have ten confirmed cases.  So far.

UPDATE 9/11/15:  Fourteen.
Update 9/19/15:  Seventeen.


  1. So, tell me about this anti-vaccine thing you have going. How's that working out for you?

  2. We have a pretty high compliance rate here, fortunately. Unfortunately, most of the confirmed cases are fully vaccinated. That's bad news.

  3. Wasn't the 2014/15 vaccine designed to prevent the 08/09 outbreak happening again, as will the 15/16 vaccine? Does that mean it's mutated? Should I restock the masks, gloves and germ killers for home? Ever since Toronto got SARS, I've been stocking supplies at home just in case.

  4. That IS bad news. There hasn't been any word of an outbreak in the Baltimore area. Our girls were all born before there was a mumps vaccine, and I'm taking it as a given that all of the grandsons been vaccinated. I don't mumps in a woman are quite as serious, are they?

    I'm going to the doctor next week for a DTP shot - think they call it something else now - so there's no chance of me passing whooping cough along to the great-granddaughter. Need to get the shingles shot, too. It's always something.

  5. The MMR vaccine formula that is used in the US (and different countries use different vaccines) hasn't changed since the 1980s I believe.

    Mumps can be painful for women as it does sometimes cause the same swelling in ovaries that it does in boys' testicles. The biggest danger is for pregnant women, as it has been linked to spontaneous abortions.

    The situation is just a damned mess and there's no up-side. Although a determinedly cheerful representative from the local walk-in clinic chain commented on our conference call this afternoon "It's really going pretty well. For an outbreak, that is."

  6. It's the exposure of innocent pregnant women and babies that ticks me off, having had a friend with a birth defect resulting in limited vision in one eye cause by his mother's having being exposed to measles in her first trimester. People have forgotten how many died or were maimed by disease before vaccinations were available.
    Here's hoping the clinic rep is right and it's all under control.
