Thursday, September 10, 2015

Signs Of The Times


  1. Thank you for this. I want to know why no reporter has mentioned the seperation of church and State with the Kentucky mess.

  2. At least someone has a sense of humour about the mess. Too bad the sign wasn't printed on rainbow paper like scrapbookers and children use for crafts, hee, hee.

  3. One of my favorite blogs is

    They have been giving Kim Davis a fit. George Takei wrote an interesting response to the First Amendment question. First, that amendment guarantees freedom to WORSHIP as you wish. Nobody is interfering with Mrs. Davis' ability to go to church on Sunday. The second half of the amendment prohibits the establishment of a state religion. Mrs. Davis is, in effect, establishing a state religion by forcing her views on others.

    I feel smoking cigarettes in the same as committing suicide, and if I worked in a grocery store or a pharmacy and had to sell them to people I would feel I was assisting in a suicide, which Dr. Kevorkian discovered isn't always wise. But, it would be my job, and I would have to make up my mind to do it or resign, not deliver a sermon to the customer.

    Or Shay's friends, either. Sorry about that.

  4. Shay does have friends and we, or at least I did enjoy Lady Anne's comments.
    And Kim Davis needs to keep her religion off my brother's right to marry any man he wants.

  5. Doesn't this mess fall under the "render unto Caesar" rule? Perhaps someone should send this woman and her son who also works there a New Testament with the reference marked.

  6. If you live in a small, rural jurisdiction, this sort of behavior by elected officials is common and almost impossible to stop.

    Davis' mother was the clerk before her and Davis' son has every reason to expect that he'll be elected after Davis retires.

  7. Shay, we are all your friends! I am so glad I've found this blog. And yes, Bunny, there is that "render unto Caesar" thing to consider. Honestly, between Kim Davis and the Duggars, I'm almost ashamed to admit I'm a Christian.

  8. :-)

    The Rowan County sheriff is probably wishing she would walk off a dock in the dark.
