Tuesday, October 6, 2015

1st Week of Retirement -- Going Well

Of course, it’s only Tuesday.

(This coffee mug was left on my desk in a carefully-wrapped package by one of the nurses who worked with me last year.  When I opened it, it was full of white powder.  I’m plotting my revenge).


  1. Snicker, snicker -that nurse knows you WELL. Hope this adjustment is an easy one for you and the Spousal Unit.

  2. You will soon find yourself so busy that you will have to go back to work just to get some time off.

  3. Looking at my calendar, I have a lunch with my former admin assistant, a Point of Dispensing (POD) meeting with a local church, and a lecture on black Union troops on Thursday, and an FBI presentation on human trafficking on Friday. That's just this week.

  4. OK, what is Point of Dispensing?

  5. http://ohioresponds.gov/docs/TMRCPODIntro2010.pdf

  6. It's nice to know priorities are in order - first off, where are the restrooms?

    Seriously, this is very comforting information. We live about midway between DC and NYC, and within hailing distance of a good sized military base. This is stuff I would never have considered, and it's nice to know plans are in place.

  7. Hi

    You have a lovely blog. Thanks for visiting mine.

    Love that mug.

  8. Like a newly hatched duckling to water! Looks like you're going to be busy.
