Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Johnny Weissmuller Isn't In It

This is the fifty gallon cattle tank
That collects the rainwater
That runs off the roof
Of the garage at the house where Shay lives.

This is the Kong
That bounced into the fifty gallon cattle tank
That collects the rainwater
That runs off the roof
Of the garage at the house where Shay lives.

This is the German Shepherd
That dove in after the Kong*
That bounced into the fifty gallon cattle tank
That collects the rainwater
That runs off the roof
Of the garage at the house where Shay lives.

This is the man
Who has made a cover
To fit over the fifty gallon cattle tank
That collects the rainwater
That runs off the roof
Of the garage at the house where Shay lives.

This is the cat
Who could not care less.

*and enjoyed it so much that he did it four times on Friday morning, sans Kong, which is why I was washing towels all weekend.


  1. Oh, that's funny! (says the person without a mountain of wet towels and a weekend of wet dog feet/smell.) Just what every puppy wants: lots of attention from the parental units and ticking off the other critters in the house.

  2. Well. if it's as hot there as it is in Maryland, a nice dip in the pool sounds good. Maybe you could buy Chunk one of those hard plastic kiddie pools. Somehow, I don't think a blow-up pool would last well under his tender ministrations.

  3. Somehow i think Chunk would take chunks out of the kiddie pool to save the beloved Kong. And at least you have had enough rain to fill the bucket. Not so here in CT.
    4" - 6" below normal rainfall = one brown crunchy lawn and a fuller wallet as the lawn guy has nothing to mow. Still - this made for one good chuckle.

  4. Cat has been absorbing sunshine and is now exuding it; you can tell by his radiantly golden coat.

  5. Exuding sunshine? And here we thought he was just shedding ;-)

  6. OMG, I was wiping away tears at the end of the epic saga!!

  7. Do you have any idea how much water a German Shepherd's coat holds?
