Saturday, July 9, 2016


I have been wondering if my country has gone completely mad.


  1. That makes most of us, I think. Either mad, meaning crazy, or mad, meaning angry. Either way, we are heading down a path of utter destruction.
    People become furious over things that are beyond their control. Whether it's bad traffic or police actions (however despicable) in another state, the answer always seems to be rage, rather than reason.

  2. Agreed. Someone should tell those fools who had "race war" headlines that Charles Manson is sitting in his cage laughing.

  3. Thank goodness there are history books where we learn that today's madness is only a different version of the madness that has gripped humanity from day 1. However, it is still horrible and one hopes and tries to believe that we are evolving away from all this.

  4. You know what is really sobering? Other countries are issuing travel warnings for tourists coming to America - we have become such a dangerous place that they see US the way we see Mexico or parts of South America.

    Did any of us think we'd live to see that day?

  5. Yep, the USA went deep into that handbasket of crazy. Makes me shudder to think what November will bring...I vote but I am not happy with either candidate this time out.
    So - what can we do to bring manners and calm back? Any ideas?

  6. Everything I come up with is unconstitutional.
