Monday, December 5, 2016

He Is So Not Speaking To Me

On top of all of the other wanton cruelties I've inflicted on Reserve Cat in the last ten months, I stepped on him this afternoon.


  1. I think he needs a little lap time, some just me and mum time, to soothe his injured feelings. And, yes, you know you're in trouble when the cat turns his back on you.

  2. You got the "turned back"?!?! Get some yummy treats, catnip, comfy couch and attempt to make amends. And watch for "gifts" of the less than pleasant kind.

  3. Poor RC! We have a black tom named Eddie, and he - poor sod - keeping lurking in dark corners and get stepped on all the time. I always apologize, but he glares at me as if it's MY fault he's invisible.

  4. We used to have a large lady cat who would wait until I was just about ready to step down and put her tail right under my foot at the last second. It was always my fault and I always paid for it.
