Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Workbasket Magazines - September, 1945

With patterns for men's knitted socks or anklets, a crocheted elephant, a Morning Glory quilt, and a crocheted "cascade" of flowers to dress up a blouse or dress.  The pdf can be downloaded from the Antique Pattern Library website.


  1. I've never seen a morning glory quilt pattern before. I have embroidery patterns for sheets and pillowcases, a bedspread, and a tablecloth, but not a quilt pattern. I want the elephant, too. Hmmm.

  2. I knew I'd seen delicate crocheted flowers somewhere. Look on ravelry.com for them. I want that spray of flowers, too.
    At this rate, I'll have a year's worth of things to make from one little book, even though this year's resolution was to sew up stash to get some space in my overstuffed sewing room.
    Remarkable how much is in these little books. If I get there, I'll send pics.

  3. They are amazing. I am downloading and saving each PDF - the APL has been around for several years but you know the Internet.

  4. Now that's a good idea. I'll have to go back and download the others, too. (life expectancy divided by number of projects equals I'd better last longer than expected, and my eyesight, too.)
