Monday, October 29, 2018

Home Again

I'm glad I got back in time to see the last bit of it.

(Ran into another volunteer from my region in the Atlanta airport and we shared the home leg to central IL.  He was in Panama City and he says he's never seen such destruction; and he was in the Gulf last year for Harvey).


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I was watching the videos from Panama City. Somebody described it as "Bagdad with trees" and that looks as it if it covered the situation WOW, is all I can say. I honestly don't understand people being in a mad rush to rebuild; on hurricane is enough for me, thank you VERY much.

  3. I'm not sure there are all that many trees left.

    When it comes to destruction, Man is an amateur.

  4. Glad you are safely home. No real color here in Conn. Had 80's and humid all thru September.

  5. Brava, Shay! Glad you made it home safe. I'm in Southern Ontario. Not much colour here, either, but, then, we haven't had a frost yet, just lots of rain.
    I hear they're already starting rebuilding on the Northern Marianas, what's left of them.
