Monday, October 29, 2018

Stand By For Heavy Seas

He's on his way home with our new puppy.

Reserve Cat can hardly wait.


  1. Roght wrogh! Do the Kids know? Do your drapes know?

  2. The floof factor is strong with this one, lol. But I thought German Shepherd's tended to have those huge ears? Or are they just hiding somewhere?

  3. He's a black and sable long coat and is probably going to look a lot like Funnyface when he grows up.

    One ear is still down - one is trying to make up its mind to stay up.

    Reserve Cat is in the basement and the New Kids have taken to the high country. Sheba peers down at him with an expression of intense disdain but Minnie looks as though she's about to burst into tears.

  4. Those ears on Funnyface, left me rolling (and coughing, have a cold) in the floor! Love German's though I've never had one, oddly. My dad's sister had one that was the babysitter for her headstrong toddler. Screaming baby nearly out the gate with dog attached to dress, you can imagine. I grew up with a Doberman and had several more over the years, big ol' babies, but good watch dogs. We just won't discuss the drool when they watch you eat as one of mine used to regularly get my plate. And don't kid yourself about those cats, they are plotting ways to torment the little guy.

  5. Such an innocent little baby face. Oh, the havoc that is about to unfold. Fun!

  6. I was wondering how the cats were reacting.

  7. For now they have all taken the high ground.
