Thursday, November 8, 2018


The man in Colorado who refused to bake a cake for a gay couple now has a gay governor.

EDITED TO ADD:  And this kid was just elected Senator.


  1. This is good news. The only way to be accepted is to be visible, to be there in sufficient numbers so that no one even thinks about differences, just sees people, not 'different from the rest of us' people, but just people. Mr. Wahls is exceptional for such a young man.

  2. What a wonderful young man! He's make any parent proud. VERY proud! And prouder yet to have him as a senator.

  3. Never judge a book by it's cover is so very true today. look at a person's actions the n decide if you will be their friend or not. Oh yeah, Karma is a bitch.

  4. Well said Zach! Who your parents love is not important. What is important is that they love a human and raise a well rounded child.
