Monday, November 5, 2018

Lime Flower Tea For Everyone. Please.

image from The Graphics Fairy
"To half an ounce of lime-flowers, placed in a tea-pot or jug, pour a pint of boiling water, and when the infusion has stood for ten minutes, sweeten with honey or sugar, and drink the tea hot, to assuage the pains in the stomach and chest, arising from indigestion. This beverage may also be successfully administered in attacks of hysteria." ~ old cookbook.


  1. Yup. One way or another, a bunch of people are going to need some of that, tomorrow.

  2. How big a batch can one make? And where does one get lime flowers? We are gonna need this.

  3. Well, now. According to Hoyle (or Google) what is known in England as a Lime tree is called a Linden tree in America. That might be easier to find. However, I wonder how many blossoms are available this time of year. I definitely agree we're going to need buckets of it come the morn.

  4. Wiki has an entry for Linden tree under Tilia which includes a note on lime flower tea which has a 'pleasing' taste and is good for high blood pressure, among other things.
    Yes. We'll take a couple of gallons, please.
