Sunday, November 25, 2018

Lost In Translation

The room is full of female volunteers, all over 60.  Enter an ebullient 20-something volunteer from the Puerto Rican chapter.

Diego*:  We had such a good time at karaoke last night!  You should have been there.  Carole* (points at a nurse sitting at one of the tables) was making all the young people ashamed!

Me:  Ah...that's kind of a backhanded remark, there, chum.

Diego*: No, I am complimenting her, she sings so well! The young people were amazed!

Me:  (gently) You realize you just called her old.

There is a pause while this sinks in.

Diego*:  No habla ingles.


  1. Okay, that made me snort my drink! Shame on him, little stinker!

  2. Good one! Laughed rather loudly at work over this post. So, did Carol sing the socks off the wee ones?

  3. We have independent confirmation that she is indeed a living nightingale.

  4. Ha, the name alone (especially with the silent "e" at the end) tells me that she is no longer young. I work with elementary students, so I am constantly being reminded that I am OLD. But I love that she showed up the youngsters with her singing. Signed, Another Carole

  5. Names do go in cycles, don't they?
