Sunday, December 2, 2018

No Rest For The Wicked

Last night was my last in Florida, and I was called at the hotel by my region.  They need me to deploy for the tornado response.  Unfortunately for their plans, when I got home there was a summons to jury duty waiting for me.

(And in other news, while I was gone Little Man figured out how to open the gate to get to the basement where the kitty litter boxes are).


  1. Oh yum, kitty Rocas (Washington state candy), as someone once said when my dog found kitty "snacks".

  2. Cat box crunchies.

    Well, maybe you won't get called for jury duty, and you can stay home for a while.

  3. And here i thought you were retired...
    Little Man found the snack bar (ick) and you got Jury Duty - but at least you are home.

  4. That's the only thing I don't like about dogs; makes me want to heave. I bought an old 1930s bar cabinet just big enough to fit a cat tidy, took the back off, and placed it far enough from the wall for the cats to get in but not the dog. The doors at the front opened for cleaning.
    You're just going to have to clone yourself. Jury duty and tornadoes? More like a long, hot bath, a good meal and lots of sleep. Can't run on fumes.
