In a startling break from the usual, Brian and I will be spending New Year's Eve in the company of some incredibly witty and sophisticated people. AMC is having a Thin Man marathon.
The world is full of books about women - most often alluded to in such books as "Woman." The vast majority of these books have been written by men. ~ Helena Stanwick
Nature bears long with those who wrong her. She is patient under abuse. But when abuse has gone too far, when the time of reckoning finally comes, she is equally slow to be appeased and to turn away her wrath. ~ Nathaniel Egleston.
Volume 1, No 11, which if my calculations are correct (and there's no guarantee of that) is the August 1937 issue. In this eight-page little booklet, readers could find patterns for a late summer blouse in shell stitch, a collar and cuffs, and a pan holder. The only non-crochet pattern was for "From The Land Of Cherry Blossoms" in embroidery, the next in the magazine's round-the-world children's series. This pdf can be downloaded (free) at the Antique Patterns Library site.
Last night was my last in Florida, and I was called at the hotel by my region. They need me to deploy for the tornado response.Unfortunately for their plans, when I got home there was a summons to jury duty waiting for me. (And in other news, while I was gone Little Man figured out how to open the gate to get to the basement where the kitty litter boxes are).