Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Knitting - A Seal Toy from 1965

From Margaret Hutching's children's craft book, What Shall I Do From Scandinavia, part of her "What Shall I Do" series.  It can be borrowed for two weeks from Open Library.  Reading the instructions, I'm a tad dubious that the end result would look anything like a seal but if someone would like to try and send me a photo, I'll post it.

(I'm rather backed up in knitting projects at the moment - in a rash moment I promised slippers to the niece who helped dragged me and my grossly-overloaded suitcase all over Alsace.  Alas, I failed you - I listened to the cruise ship's blandishments and packed too much). 


  1. Love the seals! I've never seen a knitted one before.
    Enquiring minds want to know, besides the critter toys, what made your suitcase so overstuffed? Smuggled wine and cheese, perhaps, or more wonderful yarn?

  2. Have to ask my sister to make the seal. Sometimes we do overpack given iffy weather.

  3. Bunnykins, I flat out took too many clothes. Of course, coming back that meant room for a lot of yarn and second-hand Simenons.
