Sunday, November 22, 2020

What Were His Parents Thinking Dep't

 I have requested an investigation into an incident involving one of our rental cars - and it has been assigned to a young man named Alaska Otterbacher.  


  1. Some parents need a breathe test before naming their kids. Great-Gran was one of the 1st Visiting Nurses in NYC in early 1900's. At a birth where she did change a child's name from Placenta Previa (mom thought is sounded lovely) to MARY Placenta Previa.

  2. Oh, just yuck. My grandparents did something similar to my father. They tried to anglicize grandfather's best friend's name and ended up with a bastardized spelling that's unique in both German and English, and always spelled incorrectly in official records.

  3. I knew a person named Franklin Nathan Stein. Frank N. Stein. Parents must have been nuts.

  4. I went to school with a fellow named Donald Wann. Think about that for a moment. The poor kid got into more trouble with substitute teachers who thought he was being funny writing "Don Wann" on his papers. He now goes by Doc. When I worked in a doctor's office we had a patient named Vesta B. Whateve. The B stood for Beulah. Vesta Beulah. Sam is right - some parents need to take a breathalyzer test.
