Monday, September 13, 2021

A Word To The Wise


September is National Preparedness Month.  Between the wildfires and this year's hurricane season, it would be a good time to revisit your family's emergency and communications plans.


  1. Living in New England with a dad who was a volunteer fireman and Red Cross 1st Aid instructor AND a mom who adored the weather reports....we always have 2 weeks of cat food and Litter, instant oatmeal, soup,tuna, batteries on hand. Family has 1 person as Info Central. Cell phones are always charged up and the car is topped off.

    Please remember that if you evacuate - Take pictures or video of your home as you left it. Take all your insurance policies with you. Tape a picture of your pet on their crate or carrier with your vet's number on it along with any meds they take.
    (Hints from a friend who works for FEMA).

    Have a written plan that you share with family near and far. The distant ones can be info central.
