Saturday, January 13, 2024

Just A Reminder


The most valuable linemen are not in the NFL.


  1. One of our grandsons was a lineman for the local electric company. Everybody wants to be first, and customers just don't understand that even if YOUR connection is OK, the problem might be another pole several miles away. One woman INSISTED that they connect the box outside her apartment building IMMEDIATELY. Grandson patiently informed her that was the A/C unit, and since it was already below freezing, he really didn't think she wanted it turned on. She accused him of lying to her, and then moved her can to the end of the cul de sac so the trucks couldn't get out. A quick phone call to the police department took care of that.
    If there's a power outage, take the crew a pot of coffee or a pitcher of iced tea, and you probably won't get your power back a few minutes earlier, but everybody will be happier.

    Kinda like pushing the elevator button twenty times, when only the first one counts.

  2. People can be total idiots. The men and women trying to help you need more love not more crap.

  3. Smartest thing to do in a storm is to offer the plowmen/repair people/cops a bathroom, a hot drink and a snack. Best advice my step-dad gave me for theater was to make friends with the custodians, the Fire Marshall and the Electrical Inspector.

  4. Sam, that's great idea! Thanks for the tip.
