Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Knitting - A "Block" Jumper from 1950

From the Australian Home Journal, one of the 1950 editions that’s available on archive.org.  If you are not able to get a large enough copy off this jpg, it’s also available on my flickr account.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Friday, June 26, 2015

Quote of the Day

The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others.  But it does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are twenty gods, or no god.  It neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.  ~ Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, June 25, 2015

This Is A True Statement, Unfortunately

About mid-afternoon, a terrific explosion shook downtown and rattled our building.  Rattled a lot of people, too – I looked out the window to the courthouse and all these deputies came boiling out.  Turned out a semi blew a tire, but the buildings on either side of the street compressed the blast waves and made it sound like a bomb.  Trudy* came into my office.

She:  Omygawd that scared me.  Weren’t you scared?

Me:  I’m too dumb to be scared.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Overheard At The Conference

 This (very short) conversation took place in the hotel breakfast room Thursday morning at the state conference.

He:  So the media's calling it a "hate crime" (with air quotes).  When *they* kill *us* how come the media never calls it a hate crime?

She:  Refresh my memory...when was the last time a black kid walked into a white church and shot nine people?

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

On the Road (Again)

At the state conference -- see everyone on Caturday!

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Good For What Ails You, British Edition

Beef Tea.
Ingredients.—One pound of shin of beef, one pint of water, a little salt, a few drops of lemon juice.
Method.—Take away all skin and fat from the beef, and shred it finely, putting it as you do so into a jar with the water, lemon juice, and salt; put on the lid and let it stand half an hour; stand the jar on a dripping tin with cold water, and put it in the oven for two hours. Stir up, pour off against the lid and remove any fat with kitchen paper.
Quick Beef Tea.
Ingredients.—Same as preceding.
Method.—Cut the meat up small and let it stand in the water twenty minutes; put in a saucepan and let it just heat through, pressing the pieces against the side with a wooden spoon.
Raw Beef Tea.
Ingredients.—Same as preceding.
Method.—Prepare as in the first recipe for beef tea; cover closely and let it stand for two hours; stir up and pour off. This must be made fresh often as it soon turns sour.
Strengthening Broth.
Method.—Take equal quantities of beef, mutton, and veal, and prepare in the same way as ordinary beef tea.
Mutton Broth.
Ingredients.—One pound of scrag of mutton, one pint of water, two ounces of pearl barley, salt, a blade of mace, a little chopped parsley.
Method.—Cut as much fat as possible from the meat; cut the meat up small and chop the bones; put the meat and bones in a saucepan with the water, mace, salt and barley, which should be blanched (see "Odds and Ends"). Put on the lid and simmer very gently for two hours. Stir up and pour off against the lid into a basin; stand in cold water in a larger basin for the fat to rise, skim well, re-heat and add a little chopped and blanched parsley.
Essence of Beef.
Ingredients.—One pound of shin of beef, two tablespoonfuls of water, a little salt, a few drops of lemon juice.
Method.—Scrape the meat, put it in a jar with the water, salt, and lemon juice; put on the lid and stand the jar in a saucepan of boiling water; let the water boil round it four hours. Stir up and pour off.
Raw Meat Sandwiches.
Method.—Scrape a little raw beef finely and put a little piece in the middle of some tiny squares of thin bread, cover with other squares and press the edges tightly together with a knife so that the meat may not show.
Meat Custard.
Ingredients.—One large egg, half a gill of beef tea.
Method.—Beat the egg and beef tea together and steam in a buttered teacup for twenty minutes.
A Cup of Arrowroot.
Ingredients.—Half a pint of milk, one ounce of arrowroot, one ounce of castor-sugar.
Method.—Mix the arrowroot smoothly with a little cold milk; boil the rest of the milk and stir in the arrowroot; stir and boil well, taking care it does not burn.
Cornflour Soufflée.
Ingredients.—Half a pint of milk, one egg, one ounce of cornflour, one ounce and a half of castor sugar, one bay leaf.
Method.—Mix the cornflour smoothly with a little cold milk; boil the rest with the bay leaf and sugar; stir in the cornflour and let it thicken in the milk; separate the white and yolk of the egg and beat in the yolk when the cornflour has cooled a little; beat the white very stiffly and stir it in very lightly. Pour into a buttered pie-dish, and bake in a good oven until well thrown up and a good light brown colour.
Custard Shape.
Ingredients.—Half a pint of milk, two eggs, quarter of an ounce of gelatine, two ounces of castor sugar, vanilla.
Method.—Beat up the eggs with the sugar and milk; pour into a jug, stand in a saucepan of boiling water and stir with the handle of a wooden spoon until it thickens; dissolve the gelatine in it, flavoured with vanilla, pour into a wetted mould and turn out when set.
Sponge Cake Pudding.
Ingredients.—Two stale sponge cakes, three eggs, half a pint of milk, two ounces of castor sugar, a piece of thin lemon rind.
Method.—Boil the milk with the rind and the sugar; let it cool a little and add the eggs well beaten; cut the sponge cakes in pieces and lay them in a buttered tin, pour the custard over and bake gently until set. Turn out and set cold.
Ingredients.—Two large lemons, one quart of water, a quarter of a pound of castor sugar.
Method.—Pare the lemons very thinly, so that the rind is yellow both sides, put the rind with the sugar and the lemon-juice in a jug, pour boiling water on it, and let it stand till cold, strain and use.
Barley Water.
Ingredients.—Two ounces of pearl barley, one quart of water, a small piece of lemon rind, one ounce and a half of castor sugar.
Method.—Blanch the barley; put it in a saucepan with the lemon-rind and sugar, and simmer gently one hour. Strain and use.
Toast and Water.
Method.—Toast a piece of bread until nearly black. Put it in a jug and pour cold water on it.

 From The Girl's Own Paper, October 1st, 1898.  Free download from Project Gutenburg.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Quote of the Day

Any sufficiently advanced incompetence is indistinguishable from malice. ~ Grey’s Law

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Sunday, June 7, 2015

"Next to a Good Disposition"

Continued from last week

“I would rather have a good frying pan to live with in camp than anything else except a good disposition, a good stove, and a good water container.  The iron frying pan does not burn so easily as thin steel, and food stays hot longer, for often in camp meals, one thing must wait for another to cook.  Provide a tight-fitting granite cover, for a tin one will rust, and take flat covers for two stew pans.  Cover carry best standing on edge in the box.  Pot roasts and New England boiled dinners are just as possible as steaks, pork chops, and corn-mealed fish if you provide deep kettles with tight covers.  I have made even dumplings.

Shallow light gray granite pie tins make inexpensive but satisfactory plates.  Gray does not rub marks upon being packed together as white will do.  Be sure, however, to get big white enamel cups without handles.  They are often to be purchased among hospital supplies as well as sports supplies.

Carry knives, forks, spoons, the all-important can-opener, butcher knife, short pancake turner or spatula, and scissors in a heavy muslin or dug bag, made wide enough to lay, not shove, the articles in.  The loose end is wrapped around the whole, making rattling impossible, and forming a protective pad.  A bag of this kind eliminates the bugbear of camp life – hunting this or that in a ‘don’t-know-where-I-put-it-place.’ Silver for table use does not need the care that steel does, and is more homelike.  Get an aluminum salt shaker, as this does not corrode; a size to carry at least a cupful of salt is best, the same shaker being used for table and cooking.  A paper circle laid inside shaker cover will prevent salt from spilling en route.  For butter, get a glass jar which will hold a pound, because some small-town grocers will not divide a pound.  A jar wider and shorter than a Mason jar and with as little shoulder as possible, is best.  An oilcloth-lined pocket is essential for carrying a damp dishrag.

You will need to watch to find square-shaped tin containers for coffee, sugar, rice, etc.  A tin cracker box makes a good-fitting bread and cake box for the average cabinet box.”

If Mother figures out a way to haul along an ice-cream freezer, this 1911 recipe (from the Boston Cooking School’s magazine American Cookery) would be a big hit with the whole family after a long drive on hot days.  Except, perhaps, for Father, who has to turn the crank.


1 quart of rich cream
1 cup of sugar
1 pint of strawberry juice
1 ½ cups of sugar
Juice of ½ a lemon

Mix the cream and cup of sugar and turn the crank of the freezer until the mixture is partly frozen; add the fruit juice, mixed with the cup and a half of sugar, and finish freezing.  Let stand an hour or two before serving, to ripen.*

*I personally have never been present at a hand-made ice cream churning where this would have been even remotely possible.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

Friday, June 5, 2015

Quote of the Day

When grief is fresh, any attempt to divert it only irritates. ~ Samuel Johnson

Thursday, June 4, 2015