And all is cradled in repose, save where
Yon band of black, belated crows
Still frets the evening air. ~ Emily Pauline Johnson
A handy small project for pick-up knitting on winter nights. I'm not up for a bedspread, but this would look nice as an afghan. Complete instructions are in Workbasket magazine, December 1962, and can be downloaded from the Internet Archive.
Over the holidays, I am the on call logistics manager for the regional response team, and we have been working a multi-unit fire up north since last Monday. Although my role is a desk job and consists only of a) tracking vehicle use, b) sorting various documents pertaining to the shelter we are running and c) hounding people to submit their requisitions and receipts so I can get the books to balance, I am for some reason just plain bushed.
Blogging will resume next week.
To recommend thrift to the poor is both grotesque and insulting. It is like advising a man who is starving to eat less. ~ Oscar Wilde
Once again, we come to the holiday season, a deeply religious time that each of us observes, in his own way, by going to the mall of his choice. ~ Dave Barry
From Star Needlework Book #83, Crochet for Christmas, a pattern to make the Christmas trees shown. Apparently (I don't crochet) you make a cone form and then insert fringe.