Thursday, July 24, 2008

Ya don't see that in New York City or Chicago, by crackey!

As I drove to work this morning, I passed a neighbor out on his front lawn, facing off against a very large, pink, and smug-looking pig.


Aimz said...

LOL LOL LOL did you take a photo?

Not Important said...

Rock and roll! I always find it amusing when the suburbanites from the city drive past the cattle field next to my house if the cattle have escaped and are standing in the road.

The pig would be funnier, though.

Shay said...

I wish I'd had the camera with me...the neighbor had a pig switch in one hand and the pig had the biggest cocky grin on his face....

Not Important said...

Hmmm.... a "pig switch." That's interesting.

I wish I could speak pig. Modern pig, not pig latin.