Sunday, April 12, 2009

I guess I should stop complaining about the Drama Queen


Aimz said...

That is so funny, my daughter was watching it with me, therés a children's book here in NZ about a black cat called Slinky Malinki who steals things from people at night.

Unknown said...

That is a crack up! That Jack, he's a sneaky one! Now, if only he would bring that lady home the other evening glove, LOL!
Thanks for sharing that.

Packrat said...

Silly cat! I guess the owner could make Jack stay inside, but the he'd probably destroy the house!

BTW, my daughter's boyfriend is from Coeur d'Alene. It's about 20-25 miles east of Spokane, WA and about 4 hours north of where I live.

Shay said...

Yes, at least I know where my cat is at night!

(inside causing hate & discontent).

Mrs Tailleur said...

My kitties only leave me dead mice. Know we know why the word is "cat burglar"

Quail said...

That bad cat looks like a strong candidate for: