Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Signs of Spring

image from agence eureka

The Old Gunfighter demanded to be let outside in the lovely fresh air and sunshine this morning; after vomiting on the front porch, he promptly came back in and is now curled up in the recliner.

(Little Man dug up the herbs we had planted in those ceramic pots on the patio - they are now outside the fence until he grows up.  Whenever that will be).


Bunnykins said...

Ah, the joys of raising a mixed family of furbabies. The birds are back in our yard with Bluejays, carinals, ginkos, lots and lots of robins and various kinds of sparrows and finches. My boy cat is running from window to window, yowling to get out and catch one until he exhausts himself. Meanwhile, the girls sleep and ignore him. No bunnies or chipmunks yet. I fear the combined efforts of the small hawk and the owl hanging around last fall decimated them.
Are the kids still giving you side eyed looks, or are they back to normal now?

Sam said...

Maine Coons are wondering where Spring is in the Northeast. And just when the back porch will be opened.

Shay said...

The kids are sort of back to normal. I'm not sure I am.