Thursday, January 16, 2020

Aquavit, Anyone?

My sister and I have been so enthusiastic about our voyage on Viking River Cruises last year that Mister Ride-To-The-Sound-of-the-Guns has agreed to take a trip with me this spring.

I really hope he likes it because they offer one on the Rhine that is very, very tempting.

(For those inquiring minds out there - we're hiring a live-in petsitter).


mamafrog said...

Aww, I figured you'd take the furry children with you, lol, International rules aside, don't think they'd care for it much. Cats, lol, and nobody is fond of wet, floppy dogs.

Sam said...

Friends took the Rhine trip and loved it. Good luck with the pet sitters!

Bunnykins said...

I suggest leaving a list of what's normal for the pet sitter as my critters always play DD#1 into more treats and bigger portions when she's looking after them. "Aw, but we're cute" goes a long way.
Hope you and the other half have a great time.

Lady Anne said...

My brother-in-law took a cruise from Alsace to Amsterdam a few years ago and had a grand time. Some of the side trips were a bit over-priced (beer and dinner at $99 per person), but the ones he chose were a joy. He used to be a church organist, and went to a lot of churches and castles.

Have fun, and write!