Saturday, January 22, 2022





As a sister midwesterner, I appreciate this post. 45 degrees yesterday, high of 36 expected today, and 50 tomorrow.

Lady Anne said...

Sounds like Baltimore. We're between the mountains and the Atlantic, so weather systems just bounce back and forth. Only 34 today, 42 tomorrow, and 24 on Tuesday. Don't like the weather? Wait until tomorrow.

Shay said...

This is why I always keep a jacket and a pair of gloves in my car.

mamafrog said...

As always this winter in Oklahoma, lol! Either it's warm enough I don't bother with a jacket (not a coat) or I'm seriously considering hunting out a coat. Unfortunately I live with a person who's body temp goes the other way and they are cold until the temp hits about 80.

Lady Anne said...

I borrowed your photo for my blog. Yesterday, it was in the mid-50s. We woke up to snow this morning.