Thursday, November 17, 2022




bunnykins said...

Any lover of German Shepherds should check out Diesel vom burgimwald who costars with his three nephews on another hokey Canadian cop show, Hudson and Rex. He's big and gorgeous,and probably eats better than most people when he's on set. Just some tv for your boys if they're ever bored.

Shay said...

I remember watching a couple of episodes of Kommissar Rex (I think the Canadian show must be a spin off) when I was overseas twelve years ago. Hokey doesn't even begin to describe it! But the dog was gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

My aunt had a German shepherd when her oldest daughter was at the age of exploration. She managed to get out a side gate, or tried to, lol. My aunt heard her screaming bloody murder and ran out to see what was going on. She was having a temper tantrum because she wanted to go out the gate and Cassie had ahold of her clothes and wouldn’t let her! Needless to say, Cassia was a very protective dog, and a big old sweetie.

Anonymous said...

When my sister was a baby my mother would walk to the grocery store with her in the carriage and our dog on the leash. She’d then leave the carriage with the dog leashed to it while she shopped. The dog would keep my sister from getting out of the carriage and anyone from getting close to it. All was well until the day she parked the carriage too close to the store’s door. They had to track my mother down because the dog wasn’t letting anyone enter or exit the store. Oops.

bunnykins said...

Every child should be so lucky to have such a wonderful companion and protector.

Shay said...

When we were stationed in SoCal, a neighbor had a great dane and a toddler. The toddler was routinely left in the front yard with the dog, who patrolled the perimeter and shoo'd the baby back in-bounds whenever she got close to the sidewalk.

Shay said...

This was forty years ago - I doubt they'd get away with that today.

Lady Anne said...

When I was a wee toddler, we had a St. Bernard named Lloyd George (my grandfather thought the dog resembled the former P.M.) who would grab me by the back of my dress and drag me across the yard if I got too far from the back porch.

Shay said...

It is my firm conviction (not backed up by anything remotely resembling scientific research) that big dogs are much better with children than small dogs.