The spousal unit has spent the last two days in bed with some kind of crud that’s been decimating the schools here. Highly unusual, since I can count on the fingers of one hand the times he’s been sick in all the years I’ve known him, including a concussion and that incident when his appendix went south on him.
(Which last was an interesting episode for many reasons, one of them being the ER doc, who upon finding out that we were planning a trip up the Shenandoah to a re-enactment of the battle of Cedar Creek, quoted Sheridan’s Ride to us in its entirety.
The other reason being Himself’s insistence that I drive him not to the base hospital but to his regimental aid station.
Me: Honey, I think you may be having an appendicitis attack. I need to get you to the hospital, right away.
He: I just have a bad stomach ache.
Thirty-five minutes later.
Sixth Marines Regimental Medical Corpsman: Sir, it looks like you’re having an appendicitis attack. I need to get you to the hospital, right away).
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