Friday, July 29, 2016

Look What I Brung You, Pop!

Chunk proudy “fetched” a stick in to Brian this morning.  Unfortunately, it was what was left of one of the two blueberry bushes he’s been coddling since last fall.


Lady Anne said...

Hoo, boy! I don't suppose it can be replanted, can it?

Shay said...

There's not enough left to plant. He made sure it was dead before he brought it inside.

Bunnykins said...

My first cat bit the ivy plant (the very first houseplant I ever grew) off an inch above the soil line, meaning my loving cared for, carefully draped and tied up 10 foot long plant was dead as a dodo by the time I came home from school. He must have done it just after I left for the day.
Critters know who should get *all* the care and attention - them.
My condolences to Brian. I suggest sprinkling anything he doesn't want touched with a bit of cayenne pepper. Works every time.

Miss Allen said...

Dogs always know when a stick is properly dead. Brian will just have to deal with the grief in his own way. ; )

Sam said...

Brian clearly did not water his "stick" blueberry bush enough for Chunk to not take it. I think Chunk was helping with the weeding...but any loss of a blueberry bush is still a loss.