An early Workbasket, and if my arithmetic is correct, this is from January 1945 and is part of the stash that the lovely Barb sent me. Four double pages are on my Flickr account along with instructions on how to print it out, fold, and staple it to make a little eight page magazine. Contents include the cover afghan, a Snowflake Quilt pattern, and a crocheted insertion/edging combo that I think I've already listed as a separate pattern. Next week -- February 1945!
Great patterns, and, if it's wartime, the flower afghan was a good way to use up bits. 247 blocks if my arithmetic is correct. I love it and the snowflake quilt which looks like it's pieced by hand. The question was: what did we do before TV.
Great patterns, and, if it's wartime, the flower afghan was a good way to use up bits. 247 blocks if my arithmetic is correct. I love it and the snowflake quilt which looks like it's pieced by hand. The question was: what did we do before TV.
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