Sunday, December 23, 2018


(somewhat belated).


Bunnykins said...

Is the tree still standing? My boys used to nest in the tree or on the tree skirt when they were little, but not quite like this. Poor boy; Mum is always catching him in the act. Not subtle, is he?

Shay said...

We have no tree this year because of Little Man. We strung three pine ropes over the fireplace and the archway and hung ornaments on those, well out of the way of the livestock.

Unfortunately not out of the way of the spousal unit who broke one of our German globes this evening.

Bunnykins said...

You're smart. I had to learn the hard way with a wild kitten who brought down a tethered tree, smashing a generation's worth of glass ornaments that can only be replaced by shopping vintage. Critters and kids: the natural enemies of Christmas finery. Sorry about the German globe.

Lady Anne said...

I have the impression the Spousal Unit is fairly tall. Did he walk into one of the archway swags?
My mother's maternal grandparents owned a factory in Germany, and we used to have quite a few original ornaments. Emphasis on the "used to" ~ between kids and cats there aren't many left.

Shay said...

He *is* fairly tall, which is why when he lobbed the chew toy for Batdog he miscalculated elevation and velocity.