For what they undoubtedly think are good and sufficient reasons, the cats still yowl and hiss at Little Man. For what he undoubtedly thinks are good and sufficient reasons, whenever one of them does this Batdog goes after the offending cat.
He chased Sheba down the basement stairs this evening, and by some strange circumstance Little Man was already waiting at the bottom. It was like a rundown, but noisier, and with no third base umpire.
Oh the joys of retraining old pets to new ones. I was "given" a new dog last year. My youngest daughter calls and says "Mom, do you want another dog?", and I say, "Not really, I already have two.". And she says, "I'm bringing him over to you now.", so I get the illusion of choice, you know. My older Lab, who runs the house, takes exception to him, and he to her. Several growling/snapping arguments, vet bills from him having heart worms (and a specific surgery), and one bitten finger from breaking up a fight, and we are all basically getting along now. she really laid into him one time so they have a wary stand off, and my other dog tries to stay out of the way of both of them. I'm still trying to get him to understand table manners but he was a stray for a long time and basically lives for food. I've never known a dog to eat in his sleep but he does.
So the cats now have a united front of dog to contend with. Not sure how this is play out but I am sure you will amuse us with the detente as it progresses.
I, too, have my daughter's 10 year old Queen on a 'temporary' basis. The two girls spit and yell at each other, each one claiming a part of the house as their own; my boy alternates his charms between them. Good for Batdog adopting the kid as it's hard for a pup to survive in a house full of bossy cats, and Batdog will have a full sized ally in another year. They do look adorable together.
I do feel for Reserve Cat, though. Poor old fat bastard no sooner gets himself settled onto his favorite chair when Little Man trots up and tries to sniff his butt. Reserve Cat finds this very trying.
After a couple times of a claw applied lightly to a puppy nose, my forever puppy learned that cats mean business and stopped chasing them. Of course, that invited escalation to snorting up the bums of sleeping cats and sloppy full face licks that left the cats scrubbing slobber out of their ears. Round and around and around she goes. Add one large parrot and you've got the circus.
Oh the joys of retraining old pets to new ones. I was "given" a new dog last year. My youngest daughter calls and says "Mom, do you want another dog?", and I say, "Not really, I already have two.". And she says, "I'm bringing him over to you now.", so I get the illusion of choice, you know. My older Lab, who runs the house, takes exception to him, and he to her. Several growling/snapping arguments, vet bills from him having heart worms (and a specific surgery), and one bitten finger from breaking up a fight, and we are all basically getting along now. she really laid into him one time so they have a wary stand off, and my other dog tries to stay out of the way of both of them. I'm still trying to get him to understand table manners but he was a stray for a long time and basically lives for food. I've never known a dog to eat in his sleep but he does.
So the cats now have a united front of dog to contend with. Not sure how this is play out but I am sure you will amuse us with the detente as it progresses.
I, too, have my daughter's 10 year old Queen on a 'temporary' basis. The two girls spit and yell at each other, each one claiming a part of the house as their own; my boy alternates his charms between them. Good for Batdog adopting the kid as it's hard for a pup to survive in a house full of bossy cats, and Batdog will have a full sized ally in another year. They do look adorable together.
I do feel for Reserve Cat, though. Poor old fat bastard no sooner gets himself settled onto his favorite chair when Little Man trots up and tries to sniff his butt. Reserve Cat finds this very trying.
Hopefully, the cats will soon learn to tolerate the pup more & things will go smoother.
After a couple times of a claw applied lightly to a puppy nose, my forever puppy learned that cats mean business and stopped chasing them. Of course, that invited escalation to snorting up the bums of sleeping cats and sloppy full face licks that left the cats scrubbing slobber out of their ears. Round and around and around she goes. Add one large parrot and you've got the circus.
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