Thursday, February 14, 2019

O tempora! Part II

You really start feeling old when the sergeant issuing you your retiree ID card looks about sixteen. 


Lady Anne said...

I understand, I'm getting to the point where it seems as if everybody in any position of authority graduated from the Doogie Hauser School of Banking, Medicine, etc.

Bunnykins said...

A friend of mine asked me years ago: "Ever notice how you get to a certain age and everyone looks 12?" I was early 40 something at the time, and, ya, the new techies looked like scrubbed clean kids, like they hadn't spent enough nights and weekends babysitting balky hardware and sweating over software that just quit or sitting in meeting with customers who wouldn't know megabytes from melons. The last young doctor I auditioned looked afraid of me, like I was his great aunt come to check the fine print on his license to practice. I took a pass; I need a doctor with nerve, like mine who wags her finger at me if I'm bad.

Sam said...

Try going to Ireland and having a 14 yr old pull your pint of Guinness...yeah, they are looking younger and younger but not any smarter.