Friday, March 5, 2021

Southern Cooking

Slap yo mamma, that's good.



mamafrog said...

Love their channel! I'm a southern grandma so I've heard a lot of this stuff all my life. Especially from my mother-in-law, lol. Yes, Oklahoma is still southern even though everybody says it's midwestern, it's not, we're just not as far south as some other states.

Lady Anne said...

I do like fried okra, although I prefer it pickled. My sainted mother-in-law boiled her corn on the cob for 30 minutes. You could almost eat the cob, too.

I had to chuckle when the gal asked about saying the blessing. We went to a reunion and somebody asked an old, old woman to say the blessing. She rattled on for about 20 minutes. I'm serious; my husband kept looking at his watch.