Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I Can Relate



Sam said...

Sister #3 gifted me with a sample box from Penzey's Spice. Too bad there are all very spicy...moving them onto another house soon! Oh - Penzey's is online- do try their Ceylon Cinnamon- YUM!

Marie said...

Sam, thanks for the recommendation, now I know what to get for father's day for the man who can't have it hot enough and our son who loves to cook with his little one!

Shay said...

I've heard good things about Penzey's although I've never tried them. They come highly recommended by Cook's magazine, among others.

Lady Anne said...

I still have some spices that belonged to my grandmother. She married in 1917 and died in 1976. I believe some of those boxes and bottles were in her hope chest.