Monday, July 20, 2020

Just a Reminder

Since we are almost halfway through hurricane season.


Sam said...

I amazes me how many of my New England neighbors are NEVER prepared for hurricanes, snow or ice storms. Not to mention our Stay At Home orders. We always have 2 weeks of cat food and litter, cans of soup, instant oatmeal and powdered milk in the pantry. But I like this chart!

Bunnykins said...

Being Canadian, we're prepared for winter power outages and snow/ice storms, but not hurricanes. I have a small closet full of pandemic lock down supplies, mostly cat food/sand, dry staples, fruit, soup. I have flashlights in every drawer beside a bed or sofa/chair, and candles. That said, there are lot of things on this chart I'd like to have ready. I'm a belt and suspenders type; the other half, not so much, but he keeps the generator ready and the coleman stove, too. Good reminder; going to find and print this.

Lady Anne said...

Shay, it is possible to get a copy of this chart? Maybe the Red Cross has them? I'd like to post one at church, and maybe the office.