Friday, March 4, 2022

Quote Of The Day


There are not many boys who don't know how to play "cat."  It requires a good deal of skill, and if you don't break anybody's window or put out anybody's eye, it's a lot of fun. ~ Carolyn Sherwin Bailey, Boys' Make At Home Things


Lady Anne said...

Interesting. I read the book and was thinking how much fun my local great-grandsons would have doing some of those things. My nephews are hellions, and I wouldn't DARE suggest some of this. Putting their eye out? Possible. Cutting off a finger? Yup.

Skubitwo said...

my sisters and i could get into a fair amount of trouble ourselves but when i became a boy mom and then a den mother, i never ceased to be amazed at the variety of seemingly innocent ways ways groups of boys could find to injure themselves or property. even the quiet, non-athletic pair of cubs shot the bathroom window out with a junior compound bow.

Shay said...

My younger sister (two boys, one girl) claims that there is a designated parking place at their local ER for her.