Friday, April 7, 2023

Pahk The Cah In Hahvahd Yahd


I'm on a Red Cross conference call and deriving a great deal of enjoyment listening to a volunteer from Boston trying to pronounce "tarp."


Lady Anne said...

A friend of mine told me that she was asked if she wanted to go to the "pahty", which seemed to be an odd question. She told them No, she was fine. (My attitude is never pass up a chance to pee, but that's another story.) Anyway, after much to-ing and fro-ing, she discovered she was being invited to a *party*. And she accepted.

Riders57 said...

Oh LOL, I had this actual conversation many years ago when visiting a friend attending college in Salem Mass ( admit that at the time I mentally translated the Boston accent into "potty"). But then I think you've mentioned you live in Baltimor,e and I live in the Maryland DC, suburbs, so perhaps we know each other.

Sam said...

Could be worse, could be Rhode Island.