Wednesday, April 5, 2023

That Is Not The Flex You Think It Is


The following is a transcript of a conversation I had earlier this week in the village hall.

Pickup-driving Man In A Ball Cap:  We should not be banning guns.  These mass shooters are mentally ill from violent video games and what they see in movies and on tv.  We need to start talking about mental health, not banning guns.  Guns don't kill people!

Me:  Do you know how many mass shootings there have been in Canada?


Me:  Seventeen.  That's since 2000, not just this year.  Are Canadians so different from us or do they just have better access to mental health treatment?

PDMIABC:  Canada has free healthcare!  So of course - (his voice dies away as he realizes what he's about to admit).


PattycatX6 said...

So true. Fewer guns, fewer mass shootings. Not rocket science here.

Sam said...

Sometimes I wish I was Canadian.....

Lady Anne said...

Sam, I agree with you! Australia sounds good, and it's not as cold. The Port Arthur Massacre killed 35 people, the population had a fit, and Parliament clamped down on guns. After Dunblane, which left 17 dead, the government strengthened UK's already strict laws. America? If Sandy Hook didn't do it, nothing will. The greatest curse this country bears is that @#$@!% 2nd Amendment.

Skubitwo said...

the piano dropping force is strong with PDMIABC and his buds.