Some time last month, a feline or felines unknown sunk a set of very sharp fangs into Reserve Cat’s, um…nether regions. Right where his tail meets his left leg, in fact. I administered first aid and it appeared to be healing on its own as these things do, generally speaking.
Over the weekend I noticed a sticky patch on his fur (if you are eating or drinking something, you might want to stop reading now). I separated the matted hairs on his flank and gave the spot a gentle squeeze, and was rewarded by a spurt of pus and an anguished “mwrrorrrow!”
Luckily, the spousal unit already had an appointment yesterday morning with Dr Tinyvet for the dogs. Dr Tinyvet has a wonderful policy of only charging for a single office call even if you bring in multiple animals, so yesterday he loaded all three of them into the pickup truck and drove to her office. Since we have two dog crates, a cat carrier, and a doggie seatbelt, size XL, I’m confident it was done in an appropriate and safe manner.
I was really hoping she’d clean out the wound, give the darn cat a shot, and send him home to recuperate. Unfortunately she decided to go the oral antibiotics route and we now get to give him half a pill every twelve hours for the next ten days.
Oh, goody.
OUCH. You have my sympathies. Dosing a dog is bad enough, but a cat?!?!
I hope it heals quickly.
Oh, poor kitty! Hope he is feeling better very soon...And my sympathies to you too, I once tried to give our cat a tranquilizer for a plane ride (Calgary to Toronto move) and it was - well, it did not happen. And the ride was not fun (at least she was with us in a carrier and not in cargo).
Sounds like you have a great vet!
Dr Tinyvet is a gem. My husband worships her size 2 oxfords.
Cats get those thingys - pus volcanoes is what I call 'em. Nasty things, cat bites - I still haven't found a good way to stuff antibiotic down a cat's throat though. Mine were too smart for the pill pusher on the end of a long plunger like device.
Cute pattern.
Sorry he ended up with an abscess. Once I had to stick a syringe in my cats wound and irrigate it every day plus give him a pill. Boy was that gross. Same as you I had not realized it had got so infected. Wish I had such a great Vet here.
Miss Gwen had a similar problem given to her by our boy cat. Smelly, messy and icky were the words the vet used. Pilling a cat is a joke. We went from wrapping & stuffing, mashing into food (got spit out), hiding in cheese to mixing in chicken stock and squirting. After 7 bad days, the vet let us give up. A shot would work so much better! Good luck and I hope the cat feels better.
awww poor baby, my cat use to get into fights with possums and he frequently got an abscess around the same area. Hope your kitty heals up.
So sorry for you and your cat, but I so enjoyed the link on how to give a cat a pill. thanks so much for the laugh.
Poor baby--and poor you! I've had better luck w/ the liquid oral than the pills, but the shot is the best. Hang in there! and next time, tell your husband to insist on the shot.
Have you ever seen this product call pill pockets? My friend's cat comes running as soon as she opens the cabinet door to get his thyroid pill and the pill pockets out.
You drop the pill into the pocket of food (think of a pita-shaped kitty treat), squeeze it shut & feed to kitty. If you're really nice, you give kitty an additional treat for swallowing his pill so nicely.
Poor kitty, so glad he's got good humans to take care of him. Have fun giving him those pills! LOL..I've had to do that before it's a ton o'fun. I loved the link to the "how to give a cat a pill" page. That is so true!
Well, that was two weeks ago. How's he feeling? And do you still have all your fingers? ;-)
I shouldn't say this because it will guarantee that my next cat is a horror show, but so far all my cats have been absolutely no problem to pill. This is a blessing when you have to give a hyperthyroid cat a pill 3x a day.
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