"Another way in which words are wondrous is their meanings. Some of the strangest concepts can be expressed in a single English word. For example, the act of employing your fingers to help you count is called dactylonomy; if you urinate backwards you are retromingent; and if you call two people unasinous, you mean that they are equally stupid. The strangest single word that I'm aware of is spanghew, which apparently means to throw a frog into the air, a concept so weird that you wonder why anyone would ever feel the need to coin a word for it." Richard Watson Todd
Such delightful words! Wonder how to casually drop some into conversation...
Life this week has been so hectic, I need to do something to vent--rappel, go jogging, or in a pinch, spanghew!
just don't retrominge.....
Trounce is a good one.
The vintage frog image is so cute! I hope no one was tempted to spanghew one of them.
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