I was watching an old 50's western last night and when the hero (trapped in the town jail and valiantly defending himself against a small army with only his trusty Winchester) discovers a trapdoor in the roof and sets a chair up on top of his desk to climb onto so he can escape, the first thought that popped into my head was "OSHA violation!"
if that is your default setting, you need to find other things to fill your brain with.
I went to the circus last Saturday. With my friend, Susan (mother of...), my goddaughter, and her friend. After finding our seats, I immediately started scoping out the exits--of which there clearly were not enough for the # of people...did I mention my husband is a building inspector?! Lol.
Hurray! I am not the only one who thinks like that!!!
I know the feeling. I also work in safety and OSHA regulations are at the forefront of my mind all the time.
I like to point out OSHA violations in science fiction movies set on futuristic spacecraft. The 2009 Star Trek movie had loads of them on the Romulan ship from The Future.
You have worked for the government waaayyy too long. ;)
Ladytats, for years my default setting was military -- I should have been thinking "cover and concealment!"
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