Sunday, September 25, 2011

I'll Pass On The Whale, Thank You

"MUSHI KUJIRA (Boiled Whale or Bass). Two pounds of fish; one half teacupful of syou (sp); orange and lemon skin; two long, large radishes; two tablespoonfuls of vinegar; salt, and a dash of cayenne pepper.

Take off all bones and slice the fish daintily in long slices, and then in half-inch dice. Sprinkle with salt, and leave for about fifteen minutes. Cut radishes in long, even, delicate strips. Boil for a few minutes, strain, then add half a cupful of syou sauce and two tablespoonfuls of a fine vinegar. When it boils, drop in the fish slices. Boil up, then push to back of range, and, covered tight, let it simmer for half an hour. Grate the peels of half a lemon and half and orange, and sprinkle over the fish, after having removed it to a hot platter. Serve with boiled rice."

Sara Bosse and Onoto Watanna, Chinese Japanese Cook Book, from MSU’s website, Feeding America.

1 comment:

Packrat said...

Hmmm, I'm not sure I'd like it fixed like this, but otherwise it is probably okay. I love shark and catfish.