Sunday, April 15, 2012

Cat Geometry

The shortest distance between two points is across the computer keyboard.


Joyce said...

Especially, if objects can be knocked over on the way.

Bunnykins said...

Extra points for stepping on a PF key, leaving mum to wonder why she's getting a different character set.

Shay said...

Double bonus points for doing it while Mum is ordering something online.

H J Hess said...

So true!

Sharon-The OKI StampQueen said...

And I've yet to figure out which buttons he steps on the change the orientation of the screen--I think he gets a kick out of watching Momma try and turn the laptop upside down while trying to find the program and keys-and manipulate the mouse all at the same time to change it back!

Sam said...

In our house it is either across the arms on the keyboard or draped across the monitor. A swinging tail makes typing tough. Especially a Maine Coon tail

Joann Loos said...

Having your cat step on your keyboard while you're progamming in LiSP is an especially special experience. In LiSP, you can program the number 5 to equal the number 4, so that 5+4 ends up equalling 8. I through that version away and ended up re-keying the entire program....