Thursday, May 23, 2013

Caption Contest

"You're sure this is how you do the Harlem Shake?"

(from the lovely Gail G in Michigan.  Any and all comments welcome; no prizes, just glory).

No, Jim!  It is crouch and walk at the SAME time.  I don't care if you did it differently in high school.  We do it this way in the real world.  Crouch and walk at the SAME time.

(from Unknown).


Unknown said...

No Jim! It is crouch and walk at the SAME time. I don't care if you did it differently in high school. We do it this way in the real world. Crouch and walk at the SAME time.

Feel free to edit as needed!
Next Tuesday through June I'll handle 25 community college football and basketball players with remedial English and 16 through Comp. 1; in July the 25 athletes through Freshman Composition 1 and the 16 through Comp. 2. BOTH my parents were Army drill sergeants, my dad had Arlington National Cemetery and White House duty during WW2 while my mom was a military courier, my brother retired as a Master Chief Petty Officer, and my oldest son is training NG field medics at Camp Shelby. I was never military, but worked as a DoD security specialist and tech writer. One ex-boss had been a destroyer captain, another had commanded a fighter wing during Vietnam, and a 3rd was a USAF general ran a joint command project that included the 6 acronyms. That was during the 1st Gulf War.
My poor babies......

Shay said...

So....your momma wore combat boots?
