Saturday, October 22, 2016


Alas, this is not something we're going to see here at the Little Grey Bungalow anytime soon.


Lady Anne said...

We are to assume Reserve Cat has not gotten over his funk about the new kittens? Y'know, you can't fight City Hall, RC.

Sharon Sweeney-Russell said...

Nor at our house-unless it's the 3 littles (1 yr old female, 2 n2nyear old males)-the 2 males do not get along with the senior male cat-little Lady Liberty just runs up to him to say hello, he shies and she runs away. We have to rotate cats and rooms!

Shay said...

In an unsettling development, Batdog has started growling at Chunk if he gets too close to the New Kids.

Bunnykins said...

So Batdog is protecting the little ones? Interesting. Maybe he's found his place in the household.
We only had 3 at once: one small but alpha cat, one dim and adorable little orange guy, and one forever puppy. Alpha cat used to threaten the puppy who was several times his size and slug his brother, so we used to shut the puppy in the kitchen when we went out to protect her. One day, we came home and found them all flaked out in the living room, sleeping together. Either Alpha opened it or we didn't shut the door right. I guess they'd worked it out. Took a couple of years, but eventually there was peace.

Shay said...

Reserve Cat is becoming increasingly vocal in his complaints about the female juvenile delinquents I have introduced into the household.

Bunnykins said...

Poor boy needs a private spot all for himself, one that he can jump/walk up to/hide in. Kids are hell on a bachelor.

Sam said...

Give it time - once the juvenile delinquents grow up a bit more, you may see some harmony in the house. Or not. But then you can share with us the trials of a multi-animal house.