Wednesday, September 6, 2023

True Dat



Sam said...

Amen, Sister! I gather fabrics and tatting patterns like a Hobbit gathers food. Using them makes me more like Gollem - they are too precious to cut up!

PattycatX6 said...

Oh, do true. My craft pile is so much bigger than my crafts to do list.

Lady Anne said...

Have you been spying on my sewing room? I have enough fabric to make quilts for an orphanage -if I could only find the time.

mamafrog said...

Oh wait, does that mean my "emotional support fabric" and patterns too? Wow! Two hobbies in one! Throw me in a pile of fabric and call me happy, then. We won't talk about the hobby of...ahem...craft supplies, and using them. And there are so many to collect!