Thursday, May 23, 2024




Sam said...

First girl cat we ever had, made mincemeat out of step-dad's wooden leg to his computer table. And every box that came in. She did leave the TP alone.

Shay said...

"...step-dad's wooden leg"

NOw I'm thinking of that cartoon "why there are no cats on pirate ships."

Skubitwo said...

omg the ears and the feets, dying from the cute

mamafrog said...

Had a big red Doberman who did that to some very important papers. Bless him, I miss that big baby. Had the sweetest temperament but was terrifying to someone who tried to break in the house one day. They "tried" to come in a window and met him, think they ran out of the yard at light speed, lol. I wonder if your (?) baby ever flew with those ears? Do they start out as puppies with that kind of ears or do they develop as they grow? Don't think I ever remember seeing German Shepherds as babies.