Wednesday, July 20, 2011

One Of The Benefits Our Ad Didn't Mention

Thing 2 leaves on August 2nd and is in the process of handing off his projects to Smitty, who will replace him as assistant to our volunteer team leader. We are discussing the drill last September and giving him some pointers on the next annual drill (which will be this October).

Me: When you start identifying the numbers of volunteers needed, don’t forget to recruit a couple of assistants for yourself. Thing 2 had two of the nursing students last year helping him.

Thing 2 (dreamily): And boy, were they honeys.

Me: I've noticed that the students in the nursing program are awfully good-looking young women*. I wonder where the homely girls go?

Smitty (a recent graduate): The Sociology department.

(*this is true, by the way. They are a very pretty bunch).

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